Curly Hair Day

Torie is really starting to pay attention to what she wears, how her hair looks, wanting to wear makeup, etc… On a side note, I do NOT let her wear makeup unless she’s just playing at home. I keep reminding her that she can wear SOME makeup (mascara, lip gloss, blush) when she gets in middle school.  So, I have one more year of having a little girl, right???….AAAHHHH!!!  I don’t know if I’m ready for this!!  I’m FOR SURE going to enjoy her last year in elementary school 🙂

She wanted to have her hair curly, so we went the sponge roller route, and this is what we came up with.  She LOVED it!

A Day at the County Fair

Ryan’s preschool at County Fair day at school last week.  They had a fair with lots of games and fun.  Here are some pictures from his fun day!

He came home with a gold medal because he won the egg race….here’s a picture at the finish line!

Hudson Andres

I haven’t done an update on Hudson so I thought I would write one tonight.  Hudson will be 20 months old on the 30th of this month.  I just cannot believe my baby is almost 2 years old!   He is a spunky, chunky, opinionated, loving, caring little boy.  I want to tell you all the things I love about him, but the list would be way too long.  He loves to dance, he loves to jump, he loves to climb (on everything and out of everything), he loves his brother and sister (and all his family), he gives kisses, says lots of words, makes the funniest facial expressions, eats more than his older brother, and the list could go on!!  Hudson, we love you sweet buddy boy!

Garden Time

We decided that this year we (as a family) would venture into gardening.  We are starting small, to test the waters, and then we may decide to expand our garden next year!  Here are some pictures of us tilling the ground and laying the border.  We still have to mix in some potting soil and spagnum moss before we do the planting.  We are planting cucumber and squash seeds and tomato, cilantro, sweet red pepper, and jalapeno plants.  I’ll have some after pictures when we have finished the next stage….

Fun times in our backyard!

This is how we spend  most afternoons after naptime/resttime!

My little Mud Bud…..


The weather has been glorious and we are taking full advantage in the Chappotin house!

Snow Skiing

My Grandpa has always wanted to be on the slopes on his 80th Birthday.  He couldn’t be on the slopes on his actual 80th birthday, but he did get to ski this past week.  Since he is 80 I think that counts?? 😉  Isn’t that incredible that he was snow skiing when he’s 80??  I hope I’m that physically fit when I’m his age.  He is one of my hero’s…. I love you, Grandpa!

Here is my Grandpa with a couple of my uncle and aunts and cousins.  I love my family!

Water, Apples, and Tacos….

A few Sundays ago, Christ Journey headed to Lancaster St loaded down with water, apples and tacos.  Here are some pictures of our afternoon…. on a side note, thanks David Osborn for the pictures….I stole them from you 😉 Next time I’ll bring my camera too!  I hate that we don’t have pictures of everyone that was where!!

Chris, Torie and Ryan talking with a new friend we met….

Paige listening as a lady shares her story….

Peace and Love…. Torie and Emma handing out apples….

water, water, water…..and Jonny!

and Josh….

and Paige’s shirt says it all…..

Torie’s Special Day….

I know I posted a few weeks ago about the award Torie received at school, but I am just now getting around to posting the pictures!!

Torie with her teacher…

Here she is at our table waiting to get called to receive her award….

God, please help me and grow me….

I read this article and was pricked to the core….. check it out:

So proud of my girl….

I don’t usually brag on Torie’s grades (or her performance in school) but I just can’t help myself this time.  For the past 2 years she has brought home nothing but A’s and B’s on her report card, but today she brought home straight A’s.  What makes me so proud is how hard she has to work to get those grades.  She has really overcome her Dyslexia (and the major setbacks with her speech and learning from her very early childhood) and learned to not only cope with it, but excel.  These grades don’t come easy for her and this momma couldn’t be more proud.

Okay…just one more thing!  We received notice this week that Torie was chosen for a Viking Pride Award for this 6 weeks.  The Viking Pride Award is given to 1 girl and 1 boy in each grade per 6 weeks.  Torie was chosen for the 4th grade award for this 6 weeks.  The Viking Pride Award is given to the students who exemplify trustworthiness, truthfulness, grades, working hard, no put downs, proper behavior with peers, and encouraging others! Tomorrow morning Norwood Elementary will host a little breakfast reception for the recipients of the award and their families.

We can’t wait to celebrate with our sweet Torie girl!

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