The Never Ending Post…..

Okay…this will be the “never ending post” because so much has happened since I was last able to blog. I will start with the last weekend….we had a retreat at ChristJourney called Marvelous Light…and man was it ever marvelous….I have told many people that I had the most amazing encounter with God this weekend that I have ever had in my entire life…I have never truly walked in His grace and light like I have since the retreat. Some things that were strongholds in my life were revealed this weekend and I feel set FREE!!! And I am loving it!! I better stop because if you get me started I won’t ever quit!!
This past Monday some friends of our called and asked if we would like to go to the Mavericks game on Wednesday?? They had two platinum level tickets and a platinum level parking pass….of course, Chris was beyond excited and we quickly told them “YES, WE WOULD LOVE THE TICKETS!!” It was great for Chris and I to get away by ourselves for a night…my parents graciously offered to watch the kids…..and Torie had to wear her Mavs jersey even though she didn’t go with us…here’s a family Mavs picture!! Ryan doesn’t have a Mavs jersey yet!

Ok…I had to add this one late…and couldn’t figure out how to move it down with the other zoo pics…but this is what Ryan did at the zoo. I was was writing in his baby book about his first trip to the zoo and there wasn’t much to write!!!

Go Mavs!! Maybe we should go to every game because they only win when we are there šŸ˜¦

I was trying to get a cute picture of Ryan and I together…but he was not havin’ it!! I tried!

A couple of weekends ago we went to Memphis, TN for some time away….on Sunday afternoon we took the kids to the Memphis Zoo…we all had a blast. We drove by Graceland (I am a HUGE Elvis fan and really wanted to take the tour, but I WILL NOT pay $35 a ticket to tour Graceland), ate at some great restaurants, stayed with a a wonderful elderly woman who made us feel like family (we stayed up talking to her for hours one night), and had an awesome and relaxing time!!

Oh, no….she’s hatched!!

Mommy and Torie posing!!

Torie and Daddy by the giraffes!!

Torie petting the donkey!

Torie takes great pics doesn’t she!!…..hehe

Ok…now that the longest post ever is coming to an end…I hope you enjoyed it!! I have more pics to show but didn’t want to overwhelm the computer!! Have a blessed week.


  1. andy Said:

    WOW!!!! God has really blessed ya’ll in the past few weeks. The pictures look great and ya’ll look great. It is so awesome to see a family together having sooo much fun together, cherish every moment. Thanks for sharing your lives, not just hear on the blog, but everywhere.

  2. Heather Said:

    Torie IS really photogenic, but remember, she’s going to do theatre, not film. šŸ™‚ To answer your question, yes, the retreat was a huge blessing. And you were a blessing as well. Right on both counts.

    Love you guys.

  3. Amber Smith Said:

    Hey there,
    I want to know seven random things about you too! Please consider yourself tagged. šŸ™‚

  4. gunter Said:


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